Describe what you were thinking and feeling? Discuss how your knowledge base and aspects of the significant event contributed to these thoughts and feelings?

Students will reflect upon clinical situations.
Describe what happened, what was the significant event?

Feelings: Describe what you were thinking and feeling? Discuss how your knowledge base and aspects of the significant event contributed to these thoughts and feelings?
Evaluation: Explain what was positive and negative about the experience based on the impact it had on you, the client, and/or institution?
Analysis: What sense can you make of the situation? What question(s) did this experience raise for you? What does the related professional, scholarly literature suggest regarding this situation?
Connect the significant event to one or more Ability and related Learning Outcome
Conclusion: What else could you have done in this situation?
Action Plan: If a similar situation arose again what would you do? How has this situation combined with your understanding of scholarly, professional literature influenced how you will care for future clients?

Goals are SMART:
S= specific M=measurable A= achievable R: realistic T = time sensitive

Goals should be evidence-based and/or supported by feedback from clients and members of the interdisciplinary care team