Explain what decision you would make using each ethical system and why.

You are the manager of a retail store. The owner of the store gives you permission to hire a fellow classmate to help out. One day you see the classmate you hired take some clothing from the store without paying for it. When you confronted her, she laughed it off and said it was no big deal. She reminded you that the store owner was insured and and the items cost less than $100.00. As she walked out the door, she looked at you and said, Besides, friends stick together, right?”

What do you do?

For this assignment I want you to explain what you would do and why. I also want you to use two of the ethical systems we studied and explain what decision you would make using each ethical system and why. Your response must be no more than one page and must be at least 200 words in length. remember, grammar, form and punctuation count.