Describe and give examples of the literary devices that you see utilized in the narrative thus far.


Answer the questions assigned to you; the suggested length for this response is approximately 750 words.
You should submit your response to Blackboard by the date listed on the course schedule.
Please write out the question before you write your answer in your posted response; this will help readers keep information in order and will allow for more smooth interactions in the discussion forums.
Review all of the responses that your fellow classmates post, and respond to a minimum of two other classmates by the deadline listed on the course schedule.
Here’s your prompt: Freewrite in response to the following questions/prompts about In Cold Blood. Each question should elicit approximately a 250 word response.

Even though we do not “see” the murder of the Clutter family until the end of part one, how does Capote set up suspense in the beginning of his narrative?
Describe and give examples of the literary devices that you see utilized in the narrative thus far.
What background information are we given about Dick? What background information are we given about Perry? Where do we see Capote’s subjectivity in the rendering of these individuals?