What examples of gender stereotyping did you notice in the film/show? Did you find gender stereotyping to be more pronounced in the depictions of male or female characters? How were the main characters portrayed? Were minor characters portrayed differently?

Movies/TV Show: For this assignment you will need to watch a movie or TV show of your choice. The criteria of the movie/show must be that there is at least one male and one female character and there is interaction between them. They don’t have to be human! Be sure to indicate the title of the movie and a brief plot summary. Focus on the following questions to aid in your discussion.

What examples of gender stereotyping did you notice in the film/show? Did you find gender stereotyping to be more pronounced in the depictions of male or female characters? How were the main characters portrayed? Were minor characters portrayed differently?

What examples of racial/ethnic, class, or sexual orientation stereotyping did you notice?
Do you find racial/ethnic, class, or sexual orientation stereotyping to be more pronounced in the depictions of any particular group?

What theoretical framework would you use to explain the role of gender in the film/TV show? Explain your reasoning.

The paper should you have a title and comprised of 2-3 doubled-spaced pages (word document produced, 12-point Times New Roman font, one inch margins), not including a cover page. You must have in-text citations and a works cited section at the end of the paper. YOU CITE INFORMATION YOU PARAPHRASE NOT ONLY QUOTES. Additionally, you will be allowed only TWO direct quotes, all other information must be put into your own words and cited. These must be completed in ASA (American Sociology Association) citation and reference format. Use past or present tense in your analysis and no first or second person descriptions. This effort must be completed in Word for Windows format. Organize the paper into coherent sections and themes. Include a conclusion section that allows you to bring you most important points to closure. You should link your discussion of points to issues and subjects addressed in the course. Any pertinent materials such as pictures, graphs, tables, advertisement, magazine clips, etc. should be attached as an appendix (not in the body of the paper).

Order of Paper

Cover page.
Body of paper (2-3 double-spaced pages). NO running heads. Start the assignment at the top of the page. Your name and course should not be in the body of your paper. All of the information (name, course, and title) should be located on the cover page. I have included a sample cover page at the end of this document.
Work Cited page

Failure to follow these directions will result in a zero.