Where do the researchers agree and disagree? Provide examples. Having analyzed the literature and primary sources, what is your opinion on this issue and why?Discuss.

Written Assignment 4
Written Assignment 4 requires you to articulate and discuss what you have learned during your research. [MO 4.2, MO 4.3]
Now that you have gathered, organized, and assimilated the relevant literature on you topic, take a step back and consider what you have learned. Critically analyze the arguments and conclusions you have found in the literature. Be sure to cite evidence from source material in your discussion. This paper must contain a thorough discussion section as well as a detailed conclusion section.
This assignment will showcase your written communication skills, so pay special attention to how you communicate your thoughts. In particular:
Be sure your discussion and conclusions are well organized in terms of content development and presentation of ideas.
Make careful decisions regarding your stylistic choices, such as word choice, academic tone, and clarity of your writing.
Strive to make your writing straightforward and graceful, conveying meaning fluently and without errors in grammar, usage, punctuation, or spelling.
In your discussion, analyze and interpret the arguments you have found in the literature. Evaluate the significant theories and concepts related to your topic. Writing in the third person, make a convincing case that your interpretation is reasonable. Use supporting materials such as quotations, statistics, or illustrations to strengthen your case. Address alternative views, and explain how you question or challenge the viewpoint of an expert whose viewpoint differs from yours.
Address the following questions in your discussion:
What are the most important discoveries or insights that researchers have made about this topic?
Where do the researchers agree and disagree? Provide examples.
Having analyzed the literature and primary sources, what is your opinion on this issue and why?
What key theories and concepts have you evaluated and applied to reach this determination?
Where did you find the most support for your thesis? Why should your reader be convinced by this support?
What aspect challenged your thesis? Did it change your mind, or did you overcome the challenge?
Keep in mind, your discussion should reflect the development of what you have found specifically related to your thesis or main question. It should not simply reiterate or summarize the literature review.
Now, bring your final thoughts together. Incorporate key terms into the broad conclusions you have reached about your topic, including the larger or practical implications of your research. Finally, recommend avenues for future research. Your conclusion should be impactful and memorable, not just a summary of your work.
Review the strategies outlined in Writing Conclusions as you consider the following:
Analyze your thesis, problem statement, or main question. Given all of your research and synthesis, what is your current viewpoint? Has your viewpoint changed? Why or why not?
Unpack your conclusions into several broad statements that address your key terms. How do these conclusions relate to other work in this field?
What are the potential real-world or academic implications of your conclusion? Does something need to change about the way things are currently done? Do you have an idea for a solution?
What research still needs to be done and why?
What should future researchers keep in mind?
Submit Written Assignment 4 to your mentor for grading. Consult the Course Calendar for due dates.

Note: This assignment corresponds to or addresses the following Bachelor of Arts (BA) outcomes:
Students explain key terms, concepts, and theories in an area of study in the arts and sciences.
Students communicate effectively in written form.
Students apply critical-thinking skills to problems in an area of study in the arts and sciences.
Students apply research methods appropriate to the discipline.
Your work on this assignment should reflect your ability to:
Use and evaluate theories and concepts to answer critical questions in the area of study. [BA 1.1: Theory and concepts]
Obtain information from reliable and relevant source(s) with enough interpretation/evaluation to develop a coherent analysis or synthesis; viewpoints of experts are subject to questioning. [BA 2.4: Evidence]
Reach logical conclusions tied to a range of information, including opposing viewpoints; related outcomes (consequences and implications) are identified clearly. [BA 2.6: Conclusions and related outcomes]
Use appropriate, relevant, and compelling content to explore ideas within the context of the discipline and shape the whole work. [BA 3.2: Content development]
Consistently use conventions particular to a specific discipline and/or writing task(s), including organization, content, presentation, and stylistic choices. [BA 3.3: Genre and disciplinary conventions]
Consistently use credible, relevant sources to support ideas that are appropriate for the discipline and genre of the writing. [BA 3.4: Sources and evidence]
Use straightforward language that generally conveys meaning to readers with few minor errors in grammar, usage, punctuation, or spelling. [BA 3.5: Control of syntax and mechanics]
Correctly applies three of the following information use strategies: (1) citations and references; (2) choice of paraphrasing, summary, or quoting; (3) using information in ways that are true to original context; and (4) distinguishing between common knowledge and ideas requiring attribution. Complies with the ethical and legal restrictions on the use of published, confidential, and/or proprietary information. [BA 4.5: Access and use information legally and ethically]