Is high-performance sport an unambiguously healthy workplace?Discuss.

The module this is for is sociology in sports sociology . the essay is title/question is “Is high-performance sport an unambiguously healthy workplace?”
Here you are required to establish a clear understanding of the differences between sport and health by utilising the sociological AND bio-scientific material (eg Hardman and Stensel). Once this differentiation has been established, it is advisable that you are also clear about the definition of a healthy workplace. This workplace will include professionals and volunteers. In order to narrow down the potentially wide scope of this essay, you could focus on specific high performance sports, for example rugby and football or might be team or individual; your target population (adults or young people because the bio-scientific research on sport differentiates along these lines); and the reality congruence of claims about the value of sport for ‘health’. Consider the emerging evidence about long-term health consequences of high performance sport in particular. Here, you might also include mental health (of sports workers) as one component of health, others being physical (bad injuries and concussions etc) and social. If any questions just contact me.