Discuss.How did this piece of literature fulfill the promise of what stories bring to us as discussed by Sanders? Think critically and consider how you might extend your understanding of these ideas to show a deep sense of fiction.

Please make sure you have read “The Most Human Art” before beginning this assignment.


In the essay, Sanders discusses ten reasons we read literature. Each of these reasons is distinct while relating strongly to the others. Take a look at all of the options and pick the 1-2 reasons that resonate for you most.

Then, apply those concepts to a piece of fiction [short story, movie, tv show, novel] you have read and enjoyed. How did this piece of literature fulfill the promise of what stories bring to us as discussed by Sanders? Think critically and consider how you might extend your understanding of these ideas to show a deep sense of fiction.


Once you have thought about your story and its relation to Sanders’ reasons, please write a 1-2 page journal that discusses your ideas. As you write, please remember to include:

Paragraphs and cohesive organization. Your writing should be academic with clear connections between ideas.
Specific examples. As you discuss Sanders’ reasons, make sure you give specific examples that illustrate how your story relates. Remember: While I have read many stories, I may not have read the story you have chosen to write about. Make sure you explain your ideas clearly enough that I buy into your argument.
Quotes [if necessary]. Think about whether or not you might use a quote to help prove a particular point. If you choose to do so, make sure you have set it up correctly using quote integration formatting.
Strong grammar. While the grammar does not need to be perfect, please make sure you do some basic proof-reading before submitting your journal. If I cannot understand your basic sentence structure, there is a good change I cannot understand your ideas either. Make sure you check this 🙂