Discuss.How would you help build the HR Community at VDH; policy is managed by OHR, routine operations and consultation managed by Shared Business Services in locations statewide?

1. This position is responsible for several strategic and operational workforce programs. Please briefly describe experience or expertise that you may have in:
a. Workforce planning

b. Employee engagement

c. Talent acquisition

d. Employee development

e. EEO and employee relations

f. Equity, diversity and engagement

g. Workforce training

2. Leadership assigns responsibility for a high impact and highly visible agency-wide programs to the SBS. The Chief assigns it to you, and expects a draft work plan in two weeks. What will be included in your draft plan and how will it be accomplished within the assigned time frame? Please use a project that you have led as the example.

3. You have a situation where you see that communications may be breaking down between one of your staff and a peer or a customer. How would you address this?

4. How would you help build the HR Community at VDH; policy is managed by OHR, routine operations and consultation managed by Shared Business Services in locations statewide?

5. Please use the following tools to answer the questions below.
Tools provided for your analysis:
Agency Comparable Data
Statewide Comparable Date
State Pay Band Ranges
Illustrative Bell Curve

You have been asked to provide advice on a hiring range for a job announcement. You are provided with the following comparable data for an Epidemiologist position. What would you advise the salary range for the job announcement be and why?

The hiring manager has now selected a candidate for the position and is seeking your guidance on how to set pay. You’ve reviewed the candidate’s resume and see that they have 7 years prior relevant experience. Using the comparable data provided for item a, where in the salary range would you recommend the initial salary be made? Please explain why and if there are any other items/factors you would consider when providing pay setting advice.