What are the admission process and the graduation requirements? What do you look for in your candidates to accept them in the program and to graduate them?

Could you talk to me about your educational background and your role in this Education Leadership program?

UVI Adjunct Professor of PhD program (supervising 3 students)

Moves form Business to Education:
AS in Business
MBA in Management
PhD in Educational Leadership

How long has this program been in existence?

What are your program’s vision, mission, and philosophy?

What is the organizational structure of the program?

Based on the Associate Provost Office, Dr Maddirala.

Talk to me about the demographics of this program? How many foreign candidates do you have? How many women and men?

What are the admission process and the graduation requirements? What do you look for in your candidates to accept them in the program and to graduate them?

Could you give me an idea of how many candidates apply to the program and how many do you admit? Do you have a waiting list?

Does your program offer financial aid or scholarships?

What kind of learning supports is provided to the students in their learning process?

What kind of clinical fieldwork (internship or externship) students are engaged in?

Most of them are employees. They are not engaged in any king of internship.

What are the strengths of your educational leadership program?

What are the challenges you experience during the last three years?

Do you conduct a periodic evaluation of your program?

How do you rank your program compared to other education leadership program in the United States?