Discuss why its streghth or wenessness, ect andd academic journal some percentage why it;s good and not goods so on .

Write this part following up the key ideas I given to you making it into essay form . Answers question why its streghth or wenessness, ect andd academic journal some percentage why it;s good and not goods so on .
SWOT Analysis
One of our retail advantages is that we are operating the business as a partnership which will be easier to establish
Having a brick and mortar shop are seen as more tangible bring further oppertunity business to gowth. Since having a physic store allow , consumers will physically exposed to our products and are ble to try out products before purchasing them and check for any defects . its allows consumers more choices looking at our products, further advertises our products allows greater visibility and convenience to some customers as they can check out our products before heading to our store. Apart from that we want to provide our shopper the experiences beyond brick and mortar by Before, During & After-Sales service