Discuss the methods used in the research. Does the article use qualitative or quantitative methods?Based on the course material, explain why you judged so.

1.Identify the topic of the paper –what is this research about? What is the main question the researchers are trying to answer?

2.Discuss the methods used in the research. Does the article use qualitative or quantitative methods?Based on the course material, explain why you judged so. 3.Identify which method is used –e.g., survey, census data, face-to-face interviews, focus groups, etc. How was the research completed?

4.Briefly describe the sample –who is included in the study? How were participants selected? Is it a representative sample? If not, what kinds of people are more likely to have been included in the study?

5.Based on what you have read thus far in this course, what are the strengths of this method? What are some of the limitations or weaknesses?

6.Based on what you have read thus far in this course,what are the ethical concerns that the researchers needed to be careful about and what procedures did they need to follow in order to conduct the research ethically?**Be sure to make spe