Demonstrate your understanding of humor devices by performing a “humor hunt.” You will collect five examples of humorous devices that you have encountered. These can come from personal experiences, movies you have seen, books you have read, favorite web sites you visit, or more!

For this assessment you must demonstrate your understanding of humor devices by performing a “humor hunt.” You will collect five examples of humorous devices that you have encountered. These can come from personal experiences, movies you have seen, books you have read, favorite web sites you visit, or more!
First, find five examples of humorous devices that you have encountered. These can include any of the following:
Verbal Irony
Situational Irony
Dramatic Irony
Next, collect the examples. You can write them down (be sure to give credit to the person who said or created them!), take pictures or screen shots, or summarize the experience in your own words. Be sure to give credit to all sources you use.
Then you must explain which humorous devices your examples represent. For each, offer an analysis that demonstrates a good understanding of the device, its purpose, and its effect.
Finally, create a presentation to present your findings.
You may choose to present your examples in a variety of ways—this is your chance to be creative!