What will be the measures or metrics used that would indicate that your recommendations in #2 above are having a positive impact on the Alders and Richardson HR process? What measures or metrics would indicate that your solutions are nothaving the intended impact?

Questions:1.Identify the factors that could be creatingthe deficienciesdescribed in 1, 2, and 3 above.

2.What specific recommendations would you make to the senior leadership team at Alders and Richardson to correctthe deficienciesin each phase of the HRM process that is creating problems for the HR department at Alders and Richardson.

3.What will be the measures or metrics used that would indicate that your recommendations in #2 above are having a positive impact on the Alders and Richardson HR process? What measures or metrics would indicate that your solutions are nothaving the intended impact?

4.What do these HR failures and the VP of HR’s resistance to address these issues suggest about the collaboration and communication on the executive management team?