Why did you choose this article for your NJC meeting, and howdid you locatethe article?(To be answered by the person who selected the article)Explain

The Joanna Briggs Institute (2013). Joanna Briggs Institute Reviewers’ Manual: 2013Edition.The Joanna Briggs Institute, Australia.Nursing Journal Club Critique Checklist1.Why did you choose this article for your NJC meeting, and how did you locate the article?(To be answered by the person who selected the article).2.Who is the target audience that this article is written for?3.Did the authors provide you with a comprehensive literature review? Is it recent?4.What is the aim/purpose/research question for this article?5.Who are the sample/participants? Do they represent the appropriate population?6.Was the study conducted ethically? Give examples.7.What type of research methodology did the authorsuse?(select fromthe optionsbelow)a.Systematic Reviewi.Was the search strategy appropriate and comprehensive?ii.Was the critical appraisal conducted by two or more reviewers independently?iii.Werethe methods used to combine studies appropriate?b.Randomized Control Trialor Experimental Studyi.Was the sample divided randomly?ii.Was the study adequately blind (one of: participants, allocator or data collector), double blind (two of: participants, allocator or data collector) or triple blind(all: participants, allocator and data collector)?iii.Did the control and interventional groups have similar characteristics, and were they treated identically (other than the intervention)?c.Cohort or Case-Control Studyi.Did the control and interventional groups have similar characteristics, and were they selected without bias?ii.Are confounding factors (things that may influence the study’s results,other than the phenomena being studied) identified and minimized?iii.Did the study last long enough and are the participant withdrawals included in the data analysis?d.Descriptive or Case-Series Studyi.Are confounding factors (things that may influence the study’s results other than the phenomena being studied) identified and minimized?ii.Did the study last long enough and are the participant withdrawals included in the data analysis?e.Qualitative Studyi.Is the theoretical framework and methodology appropriate for the study? Do you think they worked well together?ii.Do they recognize the influence of the researcher on the study? How?iii.Arethe participants opinions represented well,and are the conclusions appropriate?f.Text or Opinion Articlei.Does the author have standing in the field of expertise?ii.Is the opinion logical and analytical?iii.Is there reference to evidencerepresenting both sides of the author’s argument?8.What were the results/findings of the study?9.What are the implicationsto the nursing knowledge? Why is it important for nurses?10.Could you implement this study in your unit or change your practice based in this article?