Compare and contrast yourself to the people from this week’s readings,compare characters from the readings to each other, or do both. Ultimately,the essay’s thesis will let me know what direction your essay will be headed.The thesis will be the road map for the entire essay.

After reading the three articles this week and our novels up to this point, it is evident that discrimination can take many forms. It is not just limited to race. In her article, Deborah L.Rhode states that “The Constitution bars discrimination on the basis of race, sex, religion,national origin, and ethnicity” (246). However, many people are pre-judged ordiscriminated against solely based on their appearance, which is referred to as lookism.EssayPrompt:

1.Have you ever been discriminated against based on your race, sex, sexualorientation, religion, national origin, ethnicity, or appearance (lookism)?

2.Compare and contrast yourself to the people from this week’s readings,compare characters from the readings to each other, or do both. Ultimately,the essay’s thesis will let me know what direction your essay will be headed.The thesis will be the road map for the entire essay.

3.In your body paragraphs, you may want to describe an incident from one of thereadings and use an in-text citation and then compare or contrast that incidentto yourself. This is using a point-by-point format for completing this essay. Thisis the way I would do it, but this is just a suggestion. You can write in any way orstructure you would like.

Requirements:1.This paper must be at least 4-7 pages in length or at least 1000 words. This doesnot include the Works Cited page.2.Include at least four in-text citations. At least three should come from differentsources. Of these three sources, at least two of them must come from the fourreadings below. You may use outside sources, but, again, at least two of themmust come from the assigned readings below.3.Follow the MLA format for heading and title. No running header is required.