What do you believe the true purpose of a college education is today? What do you think it will be in the future?

Assignment Instructions
Initial post:  Create an initial paper that responds to each of the prompts below:
What do you believe the true purpose of a college education is today? What do you think it will be in the future?
Do you believe colleges have a responsibility to teach concepts like “global understanding” and “cultural diversity and expression”? Why or why not?
If you have already completed some of your general education requirements, what did you take away from the experience? If you have some left to complete, what do you hope to get out of general education?
Elobarate the purpose of higher education in 50 or 100 years – do you think it becomes more utilitarian or more utopian as our global society changes? Why?
Your post should include at least two outside sources (and accompanying citations) to support your points.