Identify the value of both companies and compare them with each other. so a calculation for both companies using the CAPM then a calculation for the companies using Fama an French 3 factors then compare. then calculate the value of both companies using the findings from both methods. then based on the findings read the whole report and add in the abstract and conclusion the findings the writer make.

the two chosen downstream oil and gas companies are BP plc and RDS.B. gathered 5 years of historical data and using the CAPM and Fama and French three factor, identify the value of both companies and compare them with each other. so a calculation for both companies using the CAPM then a calculation for the companies using Fama an French 3 factors then compare. then calculate the value of both companies using the findings from both methods. then based on the findings read the whole report and add in the abstract and conclusion the findings the writer make. for methodology add all the necessary calculations used in the discussion to compute the value of each company. and edit the methodology abstract and conclusion