Discuss hard determinism, libertarianism, and soft determinism/compatibilism, then take a position.

Here is the question you should investigate for your essay, using this hypothesis:
What would the simulation hypothesis mean for free will?
Discuss hard determinism, libertarianism, and soft determinism/compatibilism, then take a position.
The determinism/indeterminism dilemma may also be important.
Remember, your goal is to demonstrate your understanding of these theories by explaining them and investigating what it would mean if the simulation hypothesis were true.
You are not trying to determine if the simulation hypothesis is true.
Another potential thing to consider: What, if anything, would these conclusions mean for our own universe even if it is not simulated and why.
Again: Remember that the goal is to demonstrate your understanding of important terms, concepts, theories, and the reasons why they are held by the philosophers who defend them.