What do you believe to be the value of a strategic plan to an organization? Do you think this value differs depending upon where the organization is in its life cycle? Why or why not?

1.After reviewing the video by Simon Sinek, Start with Why, draw aspects that can be incorporated in a strategic plan for an organization at any one of the four stages of an organizational life cycle (Entrepreneurial, Collectivity, Formalization, and Elaboration) especially as it transitions to the next stage. (SLO 1 & 3)

2.After reading the case study for this week (Veola Water), outline your view of the key steps involved in establishing a meaningful strategic plan (SLO 2).

What do you believe to be the value of a strategic plan to an organization?
Do you think this value differs depending upon where the organization is in its life cycle? Why or why not?
Does the process need a leader or a champion? Why or why not?