Identify one element of the hard-boiled detective story and analyze a specific scene from the novel to show how and why the scene embodies the specific element of the hard-boiled detective story.

Discussion post on Chandler’s The Big Sleep (3 points)

For this discussion post, you must provide at least 250 words in your response, and a short passage from the required reading as evidence/support for your analysis. Be sure to create a unique thread for your response. Remember to come back and provide one response to a fellow student’s post (1 point).

Choose one of the following options:

For this option, identify one element of the hard-boiled detective story and analyze a specific scene from the novel to show how and why the scene embodies the specific element of the hard-boiled detective story.
For this option, analyze how the detective works by a different ethical and moral code than the rest of society.
With the femme fatale, women conceive themselves through male categories as sexual objects, instead of as human beings, and with no capacity for having subjectivities and identities except as sexual objects. For this option, choose a character or two from The Big Sleep and analyze the challenges of being femme fatales.