Which performance do you find most effective and compatible with the emotions of Queen Dido at this particular moment of the story?

FOR THE READING MATERIAL I WILL HAVE TO LET YOU LOG INTO MY DIGITAL BOOK. So let me know when you accept this assignment and I will send you the login information for the reading.

The purpose of this assignment is to demonstrate a knowledge of how music intensifies emotion – one of the main characteristics of the Baroque period. In your response to this prompt, I am looking for a synthesis (a combination) of information from the chapters and Prelude 3. You should go through Prelude 3 with a fine-tooth comb so that you have a firm grasp on influences during these years (1600-1750).

The final scene (Dido’s Lament) from Purcell’s Dido and Aeneas is one of the most cherished moments of Baroque opera. Research Dido’s Lament by watching at least three performances on YouTube, and compare the performances.

1. Which performance do you find most effective and compatible with the emotions of Queen Dido at this particular moment of the story?

2. Describe the performance of Queen Dido regarding the acting and the singing.

3. Why did you choose this particular performance to be the most effective communication of her emotions?

In your response, provide the link (YouTube, etc.) of your chosen performance.

Minimum word count: 200 words.

Word counts are a measurable way of demonstrating critical thought and analysis, and higher-level complex writing. Please read the rubric before submitting your assignment.