Discuss How should the researcher handle “don’t know” responses?

How should the researcher handle “don’t know” responses?
You study the attrition of entering college freshmen (those students who enter college as freshmen but don’t stay to graduate.). You find the following relationships between attrition, aid, and distance of home from college. What is your interpretation? Consider all variables and relationships.
Home Near Home Far
Aid Receiving Aid Receiving Aid

Yes (%) No (%) Yes (%) No (%) Yes (%) No (%)
Drop Out 25 20 5 15 30 40
Stay 75 80 95 85 70 60

A local health agency is experimenting with two appeal letters, A and B, with which to raise funds. It sends out 400 of the A appeal and 400 of the B appeal (each subsample is divided equally among working-class and middle-class neighborhoods). The agency secures the results show in the following table. a) Which appeal is the best?
Which class responded better to which letter?
Is appeal or social class a more powerful independent variable?
Appeal A Appeal B

(%) Working
(%) Middle
(%) Working
Contribution 20 40 15 30
No Contribution 80 60 85 70
Total 100 100 100 100

What hypothesis testing procedure would you use in the following situations?
A test classifies applicants as accepted or rejected. On the basis of data on 200 applicants, we test the hypothesis that ad placement success is not related to gender.
A company manufacturers and markets automobiles in two different countries. We want to know if the gas mileage is the same for vehicles from both facilities. There are samples of 45 units from each facility.
A company has three categories of marketing analysts: (1) with professional qualifications but without work experience, (2) with professional qualifications and with work experience, and (3) without professional qualifications but with work experience. A study exists that measures each analyst’s motivation level (classified as high, normal, and low). A hypothesis of no relation between analyst category and motivation to be tested.
A company has 24 salespersons. The test must evaluate whether their sales performance is unchanged or has improved after a training program.

Describe the relationship between the two variables in the four plots.