Discuss Islamic dynasties after the death of Fourth Caliph, Ali Ibn Talib from Mu’awiyah, his children inheriting power and the succeeding dynasties and their use of Islam for political gain.

Discuss Islamic dynasties after the death of Fourth Caliph, Ali Ibn Talib from Mu’awiyah, his children inheriting power and the succeeding dynasties and their use of Islam for political gain. Discuss and present a compelling argument on the primary reasons and contributing factors for The Rise of the Muslim Political Violence from the 19th and 21st Centuries and link to Afghanistan and Iraq’s invasion. And please, incorporate these subheadings below in your writing, and you may make minor changes as you see it fit to smooth the consistent flow of the research:
Historical Background of Political Islam, its Concepts and Frameworks. 5 pages
The Influence of Maududi, Qutb, and Khomeini in Modern Political Islam. 6 pages
Radical Interpretation of Quranic Verses by Islamist Militants for Political Gain. 4 pages
Aspirations and Activities of the Islamist Militants. 4 pages
The Connection between Political Islam and Muslim Militancy. 4 pages
Lessons Learned and the path forward to Countering Political Islam. 4 pages