What are the predictors, motivators and enablers in fostering recycling behaviour in a society?Discuss.

Section 1 and section 2
* Clear definition on predictor, motivator and enable should be provided
* The objective of this work is not stated clearly. Understood that the research question is “What are the predictors, motivators and enablers in fostering recycling behaviour in a society?” to answer that, what is the objective of this work? The objective should be something more specific, related to the output of our methodology, eg, develop the CFA and structural model

Section 3
* This section could be easily be part of the Section 1 or Section 2.
Section 4
* illustrate the overall methodology (framework) at the beginning of Section 4 with a flowchart. The flowchart should clearly indicate the input/output from each step, and how does it link with the next step.
* The current writeup in methodology is confusing. Not sure what are the outputs. A structural method needs to be described, as per the flowchart mentioned in first point.
* Survey forms should be provided, for reader to understand the specific question asked. At least need to be included in appendix section.
* What is the 14-item scale? Is this referring to components in table 2? But these items was obtained from previous literature, as reported in Section 2

Section 5
cite the reference for NVivo. Is this a software? Or? Please elaborate in text as well

Section 6
* This section should be discussion only
Section 7
* Last section should be the conclusion section, and focusing on answering the objective and provide direction for future work.
* Section 7.1 could be moved to method section.
* There should be no reference in conclusion section. If you have any thing to discuss, it should be earlier section.