What did you find interesting, troubling, confusing, challenging, etc. about the text(s)? What did the text make you think about in regards to your own life, learning, worldview? Did the text challenge you? How? Why?

Reflections are designed for you to simply REFLECT on what you have read, and what we have discussed about the reading(s) for the class.
What did you find interesting, troubling, confusing, challenging, etc. about the text(s)? What did the text make you think about in regards to your own life, learning, worldview? Did the text challenge you? How? Why?
The above are just a few questions that you may ask yourself to get started. The bottom line is to simply reflect. There are no correct or incorrect responses.
You may choose one of the texts or synthesize a few of the texts. The videos provided count as visual texts.
You may use class/ Blackboard discussions (if applicable) to flesh out your responses as well.