Identify your current position and how long you have been in this position.Describe an ethical dilemma you have experienced within your current role.

Write a 5- to 7-page paper that includes each of the following elements:
A brief description of the interviewee, the position held, length of time as a leader, and the ethical dilemma described
An explanation of how ethics informed problem solving related to the ethical dilemma presented, including answers to the following questions:
Was the ethical code used as a problem-solving strategy in analyzing and responding to the dilemma?
Was the ethical code used as a reflection tool?
An explanation of how the behaviors the interviewee engaged in aligned with NAEYC’s Code of Ethics
An explanation of how the behavior the interviewee engaged in aligned with your own ethical standards, including whether there are aspects of the challenge you would have handled differently
An explanation of how you would handle opportunities for greater ethical and organizational clarity, as evidenced by this challenge.
identify your current position and how long you have been in this position.-

2. Describe an ethical dilemma you have experienced within your current role.-

3. How did you use ethics to solve problems related to the ethical dilemma presented? Did you use the ethical code as a problem-solving strategy in analyzing and responding to the dilemma? Did you use the ethical code as a reflection tool?

4. As you reflect on this situation, were there things you would have handled differently? Why or why not?

5. What advice would you give to others for ensuring ethics are incorporated into their practice?