Identify, use, and mobilize diverse community resources to improve school programs?

Assume you are a candidate for the position of a principal in your district. Prepare a 6-8 page scholarly report that you will submit to the school board that will describe your knowledge and understanding of collaborating with faculty and community members. You should interview at least one (1) principal or assistant principal of whom can come from your district or a district other than your own. Based upon your interview and readings, develop a narrative that will address the outline provided for you. Support your narrative with at least five references. Use MS Word, the APA and the format for all assignments. Your assignment should be submitted in a Blackboard when the assignment is due. Please submit your assignment in the drop box labeled “Collaborating with Faculty and Community Members” (ELCC 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, and 4.4). The written portion of the assignment must contain the following specifics requirements of each section:
Your paper will be organized as follows with the subtitles given:
Title Page: Collaborating with Faculty and Community Members
You will interview at least one (1) principal or assistant principal of whom can come from your district or a district other than your own. The contents of this interview and discussion are described in this section.
Collaborating with Faculty and Community Members (ELCC 4.1)
This section will describe your knowledge to collaborate with faculty and community members by collecting and analyzing information pertinent to the improvement of the school’s educational environment by discussing how you would:
1. Use collaboration strategies to collect, analyze and interpret school, students, faculty, and community information? (ELCC 4.1a)
2. Communicate information about the school within the community? (ELCC 4.1b)
Mobilizing Community Resources (ELCC 4.2)
This section will describe your knowledge to mobilize community resources by promoting an understanding, appreciation, and use of diverse cultural, social, and intellectual resources within the school community by discussing how you would:
1. Identify, use, and mobilize diverse community resources to improve school programs? (ELCC 4.2a)
Responding Positively to Community Interests and Needs (ELCC 4.3)
This section will describe your knowledge to respond to community interests and needs by building and sustaining positive school relationships with families and caregivers by discussing how you would:
1. Conduct needs assessments of students, parents or caregivers? (ELCC 4.3a)
2. Develops collaborative strategies for effective relationships with families and caregivers? (ELCC 4.3b)
3. Involves families and caregivers in the decision-making processes at the school? (ELCC 4.3c)
Responding Productively to Community Interests and Needs (ELCC 4.4)
This section will describe your knowledge to respond to community interests and needs by building and sustaining productive school relationships with community partners by discussing how you would:
1. Conduct needs assessment of community partners? (ELCC 4.4a)
2. Develop effective relationships with a variety of community partners? (ELCC 4.4b)
3. Involve community partners in the decision-making processes at the school? (ELCC 4.4c)
Support your improvement plan with at least five (5) scholarly references.