Does the earthworm have a closed or open circulatory system?Explain.

Watch the earthworm dissection video and review the earthworm dissection guides
As in module for week 7 Complete this activity.

Classify the earthworm
Domain ___________________ Kingdom _______________ Phylum _______________ Class_____________ Order ________________ Family__________________
Genus ______________ species epithet__________________

Where is the mouth located? ______________________
What is the use of the clitellum? _____________________
Is the earthworm segmented? _______________________
What is an advantage of segmentation?__________________________________
Does the earthworm have a complete digestive tract: mouth- digestive tube-anus? __
How does the earthworm exchange gasses? Diffusion though its ______________
Because respiration occurs through the skin, the skin must be kept ______________
What are setae? ___________ that come out of the cuticle to aid in movement of the
worm and to hold on to the dirt when necessary.
The earthworm is an oligochaete which means he has __________bristles or setae because oligo means few and chaete means bristle.
What comes out of the worm anus as “black gold”? ____________
Why would the solid waste of the earthworm be called “black gold”? _____________________________________________________________________

Internal anatomy of the earthworm
Name the pathway of food from the prostomium to the anus of an earthworm.
Prostomium – ___________ – esophagus – _________ – _________ – __________ -anus
What digestive organ stores food in a soft bag ____________
What muscular digestive organ grinds food up? __________________
What digestive organ extends from the gizzard all the way to the end of the worm and completes digestion and absorption of nutrients? ___________________________
What do earthworms eat? _______________________________________________
What are the seminal vesicles and seminal receptacles? ___________________organs
What do the seminal receptacles receive from another worm? _______________
What do the seminal vesicles make ? ___________________
Earthworms are hermaphrodites which means that they make both ________________
What is the location of the nerve cord? _______________ ( note this is the opposite of the location in vertebrates)
What purpose do the 5 pairs of aortic arches serve? ________________
Is there both a dorsal and ventral blood vessels that extend the length of the worm past the aortic arches? ___________
Will earthworms regenerate if cut in half? ( hint remember what was said in the video) ____________
What does the earthworm ovary make? ____________
Does an earthworm have a coelom (body cavity)? _________ and so they are round.
Where is the cerebral ganglia “brain” of the earthworm located? ________________
Does the earthworm have a closed or open circulatory system?