Review your brand’s current and recent advertising (or other promotional material if your brand does not advertise). Identify the primary cognitive messaging and the intended emotional reaction.

This week you will complete the Schema-Based Affect and Attitude Change WorksheetPreview the document, which identifies schema-based affect as it relates to your target customer segment, analyzes your brand’s advertisements, and then interprets both of the previous components to interpret existing attitudes toward your brand and recommend changes to improve or change the attitude toward the brand.

Step 1. Using the team’s branded product and target customer segment, review and update (if needed) the schema prepared in Lesson 3.

Step 2. Look at the schema to see if any affective meanings are obvious (written) in the schema.

Step 3. Use your knowledge of the consumer segment so far and the information in the schema to interpret/infer affective meanings.

Step 4. Review your brand’s current and recent advertising (or other promotional material if your brand does not advertise). Identify the primary cognitive messaging and the intended emotional reaction.

Step 5. Using the information and conclusions in Steps 1–4, state your conclusions about the attitudes your target consumer may have or form about your brand.

Step 6. Make at least one recommendation per teammate that will help move the target segment’s attitude closer to the positioning statement you resubmitted last we