Briefly describe the way that Operant Conditioning, Classical Conditioning & Observational Learning/Social Modeling Theory could be used to help you change the behavior in yourself.

Choose a behavior that you would like to increase or decrease in yourself.
For one week, record the instances of the behavior. What were some causes and consequences of the behavior that you noticed?
Create a hypothesis as to why the behavior is occurring at the present time and rate.
Briefly describe the way that Operant Conditioning, Classical Conditioning & Observational Learning/Social Modeling Theory could be used to help you change the behavior in yourself.
For Operant Conditioning, be sure to describe the way Positive Reinforcement, Negative Reinforcement, Positive Punishment & Negative Punishment will work in your program.
For Classical Conditioning, be sure to identify the Neutral Stimulus, Unconditioned Stimulus, Unconditioned Response, Conditioned Stimulus & Conditioned Response in your program.
Choose one program (from Q#4) to implement for one week and note any modifications.
Summarize the results. Interpret them by applying the theory that you chose. Evaluate what factors contributed to the success or failure of your program.