What does the film represent to society?What is the role of the film in society?What is the films’ political stance?Discuss.

Write a review of the movie linked below based on the 4 points given. Seperate the paper by each section

1. Addressing the work to a particular audience**

Who is the audience?

The social/political context**

a.What does the film represent to society?
b.What is the role of the film in society?c.
What is the films’ political stance? d.
What does the film represent politically

Using the three Fundamental themes of Transcendent Discourse
a.Human Relations — Human to Human relationship/ interacting with each other
b.Human and the Supernatural — Spiritual Connection (to believe in something beyond themselves)
c.Human relationship to self — Personal self to self

The ideas of unity and harmony
b.Call and Response (connecting with the audience)

Final Point: Overall Review of the movie


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