Identify, analyse and address a business issue outlined in your organisational profile. i.e., the ‘what’ question and its implications for the business).

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Read this word document carefully all pages
Read the power point slides carefully and see the required approach, and methodologies and references to help you make this report perfectly
Use the template on the following pages to structure your report
Identify, analyse and address a business issue outlined in your organisational profile. i.e., the ‘what’ question and its implications for the business).
Summarise the key points and considering the implications for the business.
Prepare a detailed report that examines the underlying reasons for the issue (the ‘why’?), and how best to address the issue (the ‘how’?)
Provide succinct recommendations for the business in moving forward. When completed, the report will be forwarded to the CEO for consideration.
SMART framework must be used in outlining the recommendations.
1500 words is the minimum limit for the report (don’t exceed 1600 words)