Describe Why the poster, Presentation, and oral talk (if provided) are very good ways to visualise data and interpret it, here you need to use three different references to support your thoughts and opinion).

Part 2 which is a criticism in both the poster and the presentation using the same document by writing 1500 words on what you think about your peer’s Part 1 assignment and how to he/she can improve the quality of his/her work according to the theory that you have learned throughout the module by evaluating the methods used in terms of how well they communicate the data within the given context and evaluating the effectiveness of the data visualisation choices.

Part 2 task:

should be writing in word between 1350-1650 words
has the cover sheet according to the University requirements?
has a table of contents page?
your work in the criticism part should have an introduction: it is less than a page covers why the poster, Presentation, and oral talk (if provided) are very good ways to visualise data and interpret it, here you need to use three different references to support your thoughts and opinion).

then, you need to give me a general or first impression on the poster and presentation deck. by other meaning what is the area addressed well by your mate and what are the drawbacks.

then move to write about the elements/areas addressed well in detail. you need here also to cite some relevant references support your say and your colleague successfully highlighted. For example, appropriately distribute of graphs and text in the poster, how will the presentation have structured or a good use of descriptive statistics or any other good explanation by your mate

then you need to move much further to write about drawbacks &improvements: this includes anything you think is not done properly, irrelevant, or less important, incomplete, language mistakes, and so on. For example, is the little/subheading or section name it expressed well, what underneath it? is the used font is consistent? is every single graphic representation services what it is put for? or you need to choose a different chart type or rearrange different features in the same graph to provide a better view. Also, is every single section of that piece of work (whether it is poster or Presentation) is connected with each other and they all make an interesting story about why his/ her suggested training is definitely will improve email use among the employees. you could cite some references to support your arguments.

Always include a conclusion that summaries your work and set some suggestions for your colleague to further improve his/her part 1- Assignment.