Discuss what potential impacts and benefits broadband might bring to civil society. What benefits could greater access to broadband have for federal, state and local governments? What challenges and opportunities would they encounter when trying to leverage enhanced broadband? Should governments focus more on service delivery or more fundamental transformation when leveraging enhanced broadband?

For this paper please discuss, in your own terms, the importance and role that access to broadband has in 21st Century America. The student should discuss the current state of broadband in the United States citing surveys and studies. Citing is required and it is recommended that readings from class be incorporated into the paper. Further, it is strongly encouraged for students to bring in outside examples from research, publications, surveys and studies. The student should also discuss how broadband is deployed in the United States to include how it is funded and the viability of current federal government assistance programs to expand broadband. The student should consider the “competing paradigms” charts and discuss the trade-offs and challenges in deploying broadband in the United States.
In further analyzing the role that broadband plays in a 21,, century America, the student should discuss what potential impacts and benefits broadband might bring to civil society. What benefits could greater access to broadband have for federal, state and local governments? What challenges and opportunities would they encounter when trying to leverage enhanced broadband? Should governments focus more on service delivery or more fundamental transformation when leveraging enhanced broadband? Also, what, if any, roles do private companies or public-private partnerships play in deploying of broadband? How has the current COVID crisis potentially reshaped this discussion and will it fundamentally change how policymakers address broadband policy issues?