Examine the below Nine Multicultural Principles , how do these benefit you in your current position or how will incorporating these principles in any leadership position be a benefit, it at all?

Download Bordas Principles.
In the Introduction, discuss in your own words how Crafting Multicultural Leadership is very important to you and society. Mention your views and opinions here. Uses pieces of the article to support your writing.
Read through Bordas pages 17 through 21 and incorporate your thoughts on the Article ( Be honest and creative in this writing).
Examine the below Nine Multicultural Principles , how do these benefit you in your current position or how will incorporating these principles in any leadership position be a benefit, it at all?
List each of the nine Multicultural Principles and answer letter D under each of the Principles in the article you are writing.
After reading the article and working on the assignment, post a critical question  that you would want to ask someone about the reading. Put the critical question at the end of the writing.