Discuss ethical and social responsibility implications. What are the marketing, financial, strategic, and human resource needs?

Title Slide
Introduction Slide
8-12 Content Slides (with substantive notes at the bottom of each content slide). Failure to include substantive, well-written notes will result in a loss of points).
Conclusion Slide
References Slide
Academic Integrity Statement Slide
Ensure your presentation includes:
Leadership style, what may be the global impact as it pertains to the management and leadership styles needed? Support with theory from leadership theory studied in the MBA program.
If it an innovative technology, what societal impact will it have? How will it improve or support organizational performance and benefit society, employees, and stakeholders?
If it is not a new technology, what existing technology will the organization need to share knowledge and information?
Discuss ethical and social responsibility implications.
What are the marketing, financial, strategic, and human resource needs?
How will this innovation affect the global marketplace? What considerations need to be included?