Discuss the Five Stages of Change and how you moved your co-work through each stage.

o Write a 2 page debrief about what you experienced and witnessed in your coaching
session. Discuss what you observed and how each level of the Five Stages of Change was
addressed. Answer the following:
 As the coach discuss what was the change issue the co-worker was seeking?
 Discuss the session. What emotions were shown? How did the co-work resist change?
 In what ways did you express concern, support, empathy?
 Discuss the Five Stages of Change and how you moved your co-work through each
 What goals did the co-worker established (provide details of SMART)?
 Provide a debrief on what you learned the most about coach.
 Provide a debrief on what was a greatest challenge and something you would like to
get better at.