Compare and contrast customer service,support,and returns within military,manufacturing,andretail settings.In other words,how are customer interaction opportunities within each of these environments similar, and how are they different?Assess the extent to which reverse logistics best practices could affect customer service, support, and returns in general within military, manufacturing,and retail settings.What impact might implementing a reverse logistics model have on customer interaction opportunities within each of the seen environments?

Assess transferability of forward logistics components in general and at your selectedorganization.a)Discuss the cost effectiveness and dependability of those forward logistics components that could also be utilized in reverse logistics. In other words, what aspects of a forward logistics model could be used in a reverse logistics model to reduce costs and add value to the supply chain? Forexample,howmightthetransportationcomponentofaforwardlogisticsmodel(e.g.,thetruckthatdeliversproductto acustomer)alsobe used in a reverse logisticsmodel?b)Describethepotentialimpactofthistypeofresourcesharingontheoverallperformanceofsupplychains.Inotherwords,howmightsharing such resources contribute to overall cost reduction and optimization of supply chains ingeneral?c)Describethepotentialimpactofthistypeofresourcesharingontheperformanceofthesupplychainwithinyourselectedorganization.How might implementation of such practices provide the opportunity for cost savings and improvement in supply chain management for the organization you haveselected?d)Compare and contrast the use of the specific key performance indicators of value recovery, velocity, and visibility between forward and reverse logisticsmodels.II.Assess the role of reverse logistics best practices with regard to customer-related processes in general and at your selected organization.a)Compare and contrast customer service,support,and returns within military,manufacturing,and retail settings.In other words,how are customer interaction opportunities within each of these environments similar, and how are they different?b)Assess the extent to which reverse logistics best practices could affect customer service, support, and returns in general within military, manufacturing,and retail settings.What impact might implementing a reverse logistics model have on customer interaction opportunities within each of the seen environments?c)Assesstheextenttowhichreverselogisticsbestpracticescouldaffectcustomerservice,support,andreturnswithinyourselectedorganization. Whatimpactmightimplementingreverselogisticsbestpracticeshaveoncustomerinteractionopportunitieswithinthisorganization?III.Assess reverse logistics with respect to its impact on the environment in general and at your selectedorganization.a)Describe the components of your selected organization’s supply chain with the greatest potential negative effect on theenvironment.b)Analyzeyourselectedorganization’s supplychainforthecomponentsinwhichareverselogisticsmodelhasthegreatestpotentialforminimizing environmental impact. In other words, in which of the components that you identified above would implementation of a reverse logistics model provide the best outcomes in terms of environmentalconsequences?c)Analyzethecomponentsofyourselectedorganization’s supplychainformaterialsthatcouldbereusedthroughtheimplementationofareverse logisticsmodel.
IV.Analyze product life cycle with regard to reverse logistics and supply chains in general and with regard to your selectedorganization.a)Describeproductlifecycleingeneralterms.Thatis,whatarethestagesofaproduct’slifecycle?Howdoconsiderationslikemanufacturingtime (i.e., from raw materials to finished, marketable good) and product shelf life impact the overall value line ofproducts?b)Discussthepotentialforareverselogisticsmodeltoreducecostsintermsofproductlifecycle.Inotherwords,whenisitandwhenisitnotcost effective to return products through a reverse logisticsmodel?c)Discussthepotentialforareverselogisticsmodeltooptimizethesupplychainintermsofproductlifecycle.Inotherwords,arethereelements of the supply chain that could be reduced or eliminated (resulting in overall cost savings) by implementing reverselogistics?d)Analyzetherelationshipbetweenproductlifecycleandreverselogisticswithregardtoyourselectedorganization.Howmighttherelationship benefit your organization in terms of cost savings and supply chainoptimization?V.InnovativePracticesa)Whatinnovativepractices(e.g.,RFID,equipmenttrackingdevices,etc.)arecurrentlybeingutilizedintheorganization’sreverselogisticsmodel? If none, what would be the best innovative practices to implement into the organization’s model? What is each practice’s specific purpose in the model? Be sure to include specific evidence to support your answer.b)What is the value of innovative practices with regard to reverse logistics? How would the reverse logistics model suffer if these practices were not implemented? Defend your position with specificevidence.c)How do these practices improve overall supply chain management?In  other words,how do these practices benefit you rorganization’ssupply chain and the organization in general? Be sure to support your answer with specific evidence.d)What is the cost-saving role of these practices?In other words,how do you think these practices benefit your selected organization’s fiscal bottom line? Include support for youranswe