Discuss How are the authors talking to each other through their work? Do ideas from one source subvert ideas from another one?

The paper will be 1,500-1800 words. Some of the things that might be included in your paper are:

A short description of how you came up with the structure of your synthesis
3-4 examples where the sources agree, disagree, reinforce, subvert, or contradict
Where do the articles show convergence (coming together) or divergence (moving apart)?
You are looking for the themes that run through the various sources.
How are the authors talking to each other through their work?
Do ideas from one source subvert ideas from another one?
Be sure to formulate a thesis and write in complete sentences. The critical analysis paper asked us to take a very close look at one article, this paper asks you to step back and look at the big picture of numerous articles. You are writing about what each author adds to a common conversation. Do not write in first person and be sure to include the sources you use on your Works Cited page.