What are some successes and challenges you have experienced in the first six weeks of the semester?

Read, respond, and reflect upon “We Learned to Write the Way We Talk,” by Gretchen McCulloch. Although there are two components for this assignment, you will only write one essay. (the article is attached)

RESPONSE PART- Logical Consistency: Fully unpack the logic behind the writer/speakers’ point and see if this is something that can be applied consistently.

THE REFLECTION PART of your essay should answer the following questions (do your best to make connections to the article as well):
What are some successes and challenges you have experienced in the first six weeks of the semester?
What have you done well in your writing assignments? What would you like to improve upon? Be specific.
What kind of learner are you? Interpret this question however you like!
What is one thing you wish you had known at the beginning of the semester?