Imagine you’re casting roles for this play. Summarize the storyline for us and choose people (alive or dead; fictional, famous, or otherwise) to play roles in the play.

Paper details:

In order to complete this discussion forum, you will need to be familiar with the following material:

Chapter 2, “Theater of the People”
Supplementary video, “Introduction to Greek Theater”
Part 1: Initial Response
After reading the excerpts from Greek plays in your text and viewing the “Classical and Hellenistic Greece” video in D2L, choose one Greek play and respond thoughtfully to the following prompt.

Create a Casting Call: Imagine you’re casting roles for this play. Summarize the storyline for us and choose people (alive or dead; fictional, famous, or otherwise) to play roles in the play.

Cast a minimum of three (3) characters (characters must be from the original play, but actors can be from any time period or culture)
Explain which traits of the play/character were considered in each selection
Outline why you chose the “actor” for each role
Explain what message/lesson you’d like the play to convey to today’s audiences
Other considerations for your initial response:

Indicate which play you’re writing about in your thread title.
Your initial response should be in complete sentences/paragraph format for each of the above bullet points.
Proofread your response before posting.
Response should demonstrate a reflective and thoughtful understanding of Greek theater and its aims.
No Works Cited necessary.
Initial response is due prior to 11:59 pm on Thursday