Critically assess the strategies energy companies can pursue to promote sustainability in the face of peak oil.

Part A: Explain and evaluate, using referenced evidence and data what the peak oil is. You should explain whether this concept is cause for concern or whether humanity can find ways around this problem. Provide evidence to justify your position and provide different perspectives on this issue. 500 to 750 words excluding bibliography.
Part b: Critically assess the strategies energy companies can pursue to promote sustainability in the face of peak oil. You should refer to investments in sustainable energies and in to diversification of energy supplies in your answer. 500 to 750 words excluding bibliography. (Your work should be fully referenced!!!)

insert this information: Global oil production and consumption continues to rise by now/ causes: Better extraction methods. ; Discovery of new reserves.;
Changes in annual production.

show understanding of “Hubbert’s Peak Theory (1956) which can be used to predict if we have reached peak oil. / use visuals to support the message.