Describe and compare two of the below perspectives on organizational change: i. Episodic / radical change ii. Continuous / incremental change iii. Top- down change iv. Bottom-up change v. Middle- in and middle-out change

The individual essay is used to evaluate to what extent you know and understand the main theoretical perspectives on organizational change. The individual essay is based on the study materials described in section 6 of this course manual.
Describe and compare two of the below perspectives on organizational change:
i. Episodic / radical change
ii. Continuous / incremental change
iii. Top- down change
iv. Bottom-up change
v. Middle- in and middle-out change

a) Describe the chosen perspectives and detail the main underlying assumptions of the two approaches – name and explain at least 3 underlying assumptions for each perspective
b) Compare the two chosen approaches by outlining their main differences andin terms of the dimensions of change that are changing under the perspectives (g. routines and practices, cognitions and identities, power relationships) – discuss at least 3 differences and discuss all the 3 dimensions of change as they relate to your two chosen perspectives based on the literature.
Apply your chosen perspectives to a business case of your own choice and critically reflect on their value for making sense of the change in the case. The business case needs to be a “real” example, i.e. and actual organization needs to have undergone the change. You need to have sufficient detail on the case to be able to reflect on the change, i.e. you need to know what triggered the change, who was involved in initiating and implementing the change, how the change unfolded and what the outcomes of the change were. The business case can be either one of the cases discussed as part of the course, a case from the study material or a case of your own choice (from the news for example).

a) Briefly describe your chosen business case by focussing on the following: what triggered the change, who was involved in initiating and implementing the change, how did the change unfold and what were the outcomes of the change.
b) Apply your chosen two perspectives to the business case and explain how the change from your case can be understood by applying the chosen perspectives. Critically reflect on the value of the chosen perspectives for the business case – which perspective is better suited to explain the change that unfolded in your business case and why? Explain at least three reasons why you think your preferred perspective is better suited to explain the change.