Explain who is impacted and why the reader should care about this problem.

1. Formatting: 5-7 pages, 12pt font Times New Roman, 2 spacing, etc 2. Bibliography: Does not count toward page limits, must be at least page 6 At least 5 academic citations
■ scholar.google.com 0 ■ library.osu.edu 0
Additional sources as needed, not to be counted toward academic citations Additional figures or graphs, referenced in text but shown in Bibliography (“see Figure 2”, etc) Bibliography will have 3 sections – Academic Sources, Non-Academic Sources, Figures and Tables 3. Content
In general, describing and researching your topic should be at least half the paper (3+ pages), and your policy proposal should be at most half the paper (2+ pages). The first half of the paper should clearly outline the issue that your policy will address. Explain who is impacted and why the reader should care about this problem.