Identify the loopholes in the controls at Equifax that led to the compromise;List the security practices that could have prevented the breach.

Before you attempt the assignment, read the following:

25 Facts about the Equifax hack – and what you can do to protect yourself

Equifax, one of the largest credit information bureaus, was hacked as early as mid-May 2017, yet the company did not publicly disclose this fact until July 29, 2017. This left up to 143 million consumers vulnerable as their information was already known.

In this activity, you need to do a thorough study on the Equifax data breach and answer the following questions:

1.)Identify the type of attack.
2.)Identify the loopholes in the controls at Equifax that led to the compromise.
3.)List the security practices that could have prevented the breach.
4.)List the precautionary measures Equifax implemented after the breach.
5.)Why do you think hackers are targeting the financial sector?
6.)Why didn’t this breach affect the company as much as other breaches like Target and Anthem?

**Use the American Psychological Association (APA) style (6th edition) for writing your assignment. The length of your assignment paper should be 3 to 5 pages.