Where are the the other 4 forms to be used in this unit of study?Discuss

This was professor feedback “Please leave the template in their original format. The columns here are less than 1 word in width, making it impossible to navigate. Where are the the other 4 forms to be used in this unit of study? Clarifying detail is needed in an assessment to describe the instrument and what students will actually do to determine the success of the lesson as driven from the objective statement. All of the objectives need to comport with a condition for learning, a measurable objectives task verb driven by the standard, and a criterion element for accuracy. Those objectives need to be fully parallel tasks all the way through the assessment where the skill is measured. The instruction sections are support mechanisms to guide mastery of a skill. All objectives need a criterion element to determine the expected level of accuracy in terms of outcome. The criterion element defines, empirically, the success of the instructional elements of a lesson. The learning condition in an objective is not the same as an assessment instrument. The learning condition is the instructional activity or material that allows the task verb to be introduced and practiced, then assessed. Materially, the content of each lesson is heavily overlapping. Several could have been reconstituted into a single lesson and the same SOL support level would be achieved. In and of themselves, they are reasonable. At the same time a unit takes on a wider scope. There also little marital difference between a few of the lessons. “