What role did women play in Colonial America’s culture and society? Why did some men see women like Ann Hutchinson and Mary Dyer as a threat to society? In what ways did the American Revolution challenge the patriarchal order of America?Explain.

Part I. Identifications: In well-developed paragraphs (one short paragraph for each identification), please identify (who, what, when, where) and give significance (why it is importance) of the following. This section is worth thirty points of your mid-term grade (or five points each).

Calvinism John Smith
Sugar Act George Whitefield
April 18, 1775
Pope’s Day

Part II. Essay Questions: Answer TWO of the following questions. This section is worth seventy points (thirty-five points each). Each essay is graded on how well you use historical evidence to answer the questions and the clarity of your answers. Essays do not have to have introductions or conclusions.

(omit) 1. In 1607, the English began settling the Chesapeake Bay. Before the discovery of tobacco, Jamestown experienced great difficulties. What were some of these difficulties? How did tobacco “save” Jamestown from the fate of Roanoke? How did tobacco shape the Chesapeake colonies’ society, politics, and culture?

2. The Seven Years’ War saw the British and French empires fight a global conflict. In America, this conflict was known as the French and Indian War. What role did Native Americans play in the conflict? How were they dependent upon and manipulated by the two empires? What power (if any) did the Native Americans have? How did Native Americans determine the outcome of the war?

3. Historians often describe Colonial America as patriarchal. What role did women play in Colonial America’s culture and society? Why did some men see women like Ann Hutchinson and Mary Dyer as a threat to society? In what ways did the American Revolution challenge the patriarchal order of America?