Explain how “primary” field research may be used to assist an engineering firm in terms of value creation when planning innovation such as process upgrades or product development.

Part 1. Understanding Customers (30% of assignment marks)

Explain how “primary” field research may be used to assist an engineering firm in terms of value creation when planning innovation such as process upgrades or product development.
Distinguish between ‘Inductive’ and ‘Deductive’ research approaches – which would you recommend for researching this area and presenting the findings?

Part 2. Research Approaches (30% of assignment marks)
Identify a potential engineering research area within which there are particular issues to examine:
Explain your proposed research “focus” by means of a problem formulation – this should explain why this issue is worthy of research investigation.
Conduct a background review utilising existing literature from academic journals and other sources to identify suitable research methods that could be used.

Part 3. Research Proposal (40% of assignment marks)
Use the Research Wheel as shown in the figure below to develop a “Research Proposal” for your study.
Hint: start with “objectives” for your study then propose (and justify) your chosen research approach and methods for data collection and data analysis.

The Research Wheel