List at least three reasons why adolescents’ increased cognitive abilities fail to deter them from irrational behaviors.

Appropriate assignment, described why you chose topic.
Chose appropriate topic; thoroughly described topic with excellent details as to why topic was chosen.
5.0 pts
Excellent (5)
4.0 pts
Good (4)
3.0 pts
Average (3)
0.0 pts
No Marks
5.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeResearched state and local statistics and explained why stats vary in NV..
Researched state and national statistics on topic of choice; thoroughly discussed findings; made excellent comparison of state and national stats, provided detailed examples of why stats vary.
15.0 pts
Excellent (15-13)
12.0 pts
Good (12-10)
9.0 pts
Average (9-7)
6.0 pts
Poor (6-0)
15.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeExcellent examples of adolescent cogntive abilities.
List at least three reasons why adolescents’ increased cognitive abilities fail to deter them from irrational behaviors.
15.0 pts
Excellent (15-13)
14.0 pts
Good (12-10)
11.0 pts
Average (9-7)
6.0 pts
Poor (6-0)
15.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCited two or more websites and discussed two useful things learned.
Cited two or more reputable websites with correct URL’s included; excellent summary of each website; Discussed two useful things learned with excellent details.
10.0 pts
Excellent (10-9)
8.0 pts
Good (8-7)
6.0 pts
Average (6-5)
5.0 pts
Poor (5-0)
10.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWritten Skills
Written in own words; references to course materials used and accurately cited; had correct format with writing style; reference list included with few errors.
5.0 pts
Excellent (5)
4.0 pts
Good (4)
3.0 pts
Average (3)
2.0 pts
Poor (2-0)
5.0 pts
Total Points: 50.0