Discuss What was happening before 1910.What caused the laws to come about

Problem Statement
• In this section if there could be more statistical information I think that would be good
Literature section
• Outcomes are needed
• We need to progress through what happened in each year
• What was happening before 1910
• What caused the laws to come about
• What happened that led to the decriminalization of CSEC victims
• This needs to have more history in it
• Mostly Everything said in this section should be cited.
• Possibly review the Child Gateway
The professor loved the headings
Definition of Terms
• Please cite all definitions
• The professor wants the Gil section copied and pasted into the document I did that you can just work around that section.
Policy Analysis
• We will only be using A-C adapted framework I will cut and past 1.5 pages I inserted it. You can work around it
• Can’t read everything that has been published based on time constraints etc.
• Everyone writes from a different lens
• Should answer the questions why should my colleagues need to learn this law?
• What should they be able to identify to provide more effective ways to work with the community
• Broad advocacy pitch
• Maybe side the NASW code of ethics.